Children’s Salt Grotto
The Kids Salt Cave is a special room designed for children in which they can play as if on the beach while reaping the benefits of salt therapy. Salt therapy is a 100 percent natural, holistic way to boost your immunity and is becoming a popular prevention aid. Salt therapy can help combat colds, flu, respiratory ailments, allergies, and more, by strengthening the immune system. Research has been conducted regarding the effects of salt therapy on children attending institutions of general education confirming the therapeutic and prophylactic (meaning it prevents the spread or occurrence of disease or infection) effects of salt therapy on children.
The Benefits of Salt Therapy
Salt therapy can cleanse and rejuvenate. As your child inhales minute natural Himalayan salt crystals in through their nose and as they pass through their respiratory system the salt works to help reduce inflammation, loosen mucus, eliminate bacteria and other germs, and open clogged passageways. Salt therapy can also reduce skin rashes or other skin-oriented issues such as eczema. The negative ions released by natural salt help ease stress, and make a person feel more calm, and relaxed. This can work to ease hypersensitivity in your child. Regardless of the issue, whether your child is suffering from allergies, a cold, the flu, or frequent ear infections. If you’re looking for a 100 percent natural remedy try Salt Therapy to ease their stress and discomfort.